Shield L (Psedudonas Fluorescens)

A biological fungicide based on Pseudomonas flourescens which is highly active on toots and stem roots, sheath blight/leaf spots, mildews and other. fungal/bacterial disease .it suppresses plant diseases by production of number of secondary metabolites including antibiotics, siderphores and hydrogen cyanide.


Help in uptake of nutrients and produces plant growth hormones.Protect against root rot, blight, and soft rot. Antagonistic bacteria for soil, air, and seed borne diseases. What it contain: 1×109cfu/ml. Recommended Crops: Wheat, Paddy, cotton, Chillies, Gram, Sugarcane, Cucumber, Peas, capsicum, Brinjal Tomato, Potato, Tobacco, Fruit Crops and others

Shield P (Psedudonas Fluorescens)

A biological fungicide based on Pseudomonas flourescens which is highly active on toots and stem roots, sheath blight/leaf spots, mildews and other fungal/bacterial disease .it suppresses plant diseases by production of number of secondary metabolites including antibiotics, siderphores and hydrogen cyanide. Count:- 2×108 cfu/gm. (carrier).

Recommended Crops: Wheat, Paddy, cotton, Chillies, Gram, Sugarcane, Cucumber, Peas, capsicum, Brinjal Tomato, Potato, Tobacco, Fruit Crops and others.

Tricho Guard – L (Tricoderma)

(Tricoderma) is a bio-pesticide useful for the management of fungal pathogens such as fusarium species and phytophthoraspecies as well as nematodes. Tricho Guard spore multiply inside target pathogenic fungus body and eventually kill it.

Fusariumspp and Alternaria spp. of harmful fungus and also from nematodes. Protect the crop from Rhizoctonia spp and pythium spp. Ecologically very successful. Tricho Guard fast growing fungus, prolific producers of spores and powerful What it contain: 1×109cfu/ml. Recommended Crops: Tomato, Potato, Tobacco, Capsicum, Brinjal, Peas, Cucumber, Sunflower, Groundnut, Sugarcane, Gram, Chillies, Bt Cotton and Paddy.

Tricho Guard – P (Tricoderma)

(Tricoderma) is a bio-pesticide useful for the management of fungal pathogens such as fusarium species and phytophthoraspecies as well as nematodes. Tricho Guard spore multiply inside target pathogenic fungus body and eventually kill it.

Fusariumspp and Alternaria spp. of harmful fungus and also from nematodes. Protect the crop from Rhizoctonia spp and pythium spp.  cologically very successful. Tricho Guard fast growing fungus, prolific producers of spores and powerful What it contain: 2×107cfu/gm. Recommended Crops: Tomato, Potato, Tobacco, Capsicum, Brinjal, Peas, Cucumber, Sunflower, Groundnut,Sugarcane, Gram, Chillies, Bt Cotton and Paddy.

Metro Guard -L (Metarhizium)

Metro Guard -L (Metarhizium) (MetarhizumAnisopliae) is an entomopathogenic fungus thatinfects insect that come in contact with it. Once the fungus spores attach to the surface of the insect, germinate and begin to grow, they than penetrate the exoskeleton of the insect and grow very rapidly inside the insect causing the insect to die.

What It Contain: 2 x108 cells/ml. Target Pest: Termite, White Fly, White Grubs etc. Recommended Crops: Cerelas, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruitcrops, Fibrecrops, Cutflowers, Ornamental Plant, Nurseries, Lawnandland scape.


DINSA CROP SCIENCE PVT LTD is one of the lead players in the Indian crop and
pest management industry.



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